Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Baked Kale Chips



Kale is probably something most people don't try, unless they grew up eating it or are consciously trying to eat healthier. Otherwise, why eat baked kale chips when you can eat salty and fried potato chips out of a big bag? Much more convenient. 

Except that kale chips are INCREDIBLE. Seriously. My roommate and I polished off the whole pan in about 2 minutes flat. At first I was thinking that they were ok, but that I probably wouldn't want to make them all the time. Then after my 3rd or 4th chip, I realized that they were addicting and delicious. 

Baked Kale Chips
serves 2-3

1 bunch kale (curly varieties work well)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Sea salt/garlic salt/Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Wash the kale thoroughly, remove tough stems, and rip into bite-sized pieces. Using a salad spinner or paper towel, dry as well as possible. Fill a large zipper bag with kale pieces and pour in a few teaspoons olive oil (you just need barely enough to coat the leaves), zip, and shake or massage until leaves are covered. Spread on a baking sheet and sprinkle with sea salt, garlic salt, grated Parmesan, or other seasoning of your choice. Bake for about 20 minutes, checking periodically to make sure not to overcook (the outside edges should just be crisp - you don't want the leaves to crumble). Do NOT stir or attempt to flip midway - the chips will bake nicely on their own. 


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